(Source: University of York)
Hiring the right employee can make or break your business. Employee recruitment is about managing stress, as you will constantly be judged on your selection, and you obviously cannot please everybody in your organization.
However, there are certain rules that you can use to hire the right employee for your business every time:
1. Look for Someone With a Commitment to Their Career
Always check the candidate's previous job duration and if he or she is switching jobs constantly, this is definitely not the right person for the job.
2. Test for Excellent Learning and Analytical Skills
A candidate with confidence is great, but what you really want is a candidate that has the right skills and educational requirements.
3. Check Compatibility
Remember, willingness is one of the primary things a candidate must possess to work with you. And if a person cannot get along with his or her current clients or previous bosses, it's not such a great idea to hire that candidate.
4. Keep Improving Your Hiring Process
Whether you are hiring employees for a big organization or looking for some potential candidates to build your start-up, the hiring process is the first and foremost factor you need to focus on.
5. Don’t Forget to Hire Interns
People may disagree, but this is one of the best ways to hire the right employee for your business. You know all of their strengths, weaknesses, skills, knowledge, attitudes, behavior, confidence levels, and even practical evidence of work.
6. Get Social With the Candidates
Asking personal questions won't get you anywhere, and could be awkward and uncomfortable for both parties. Rather, you or your human resources team should be analyzing the candidates’ presence on social media. This can be a great strategy, especially if you want to hire employees for tech businesses.
source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveolenski/2015/05/15/6-tips-for-hiring-the-right-employee/#23bac203894b