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How To Excel in Startup Company

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Hello WU Learner!

Working in a startup company might be tricky. The culture are different than working in a corporate company. Less people and more workloads are their daily breakfast. In the mean time, they also have to keep up with their target and goals in order to improve and to extend. So here are the tips and tricks that you have to consider and apply in your work pattern or behavior, to excel in a startup company.

The following answers are provided by members of the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.

Don't Focus on the Money

I find that the people moving up the quickest in the company are those who really believe in the product we're building, who don't mind working extra hours or jumping on a call on the weekend because they are so excited about what we are doing. The people asking about hourly rates and hours per week are the ones who lack the passion needed to succeed in the world of startups.

Get Buy-In

The success of a C-level employee hinges on buy-in from the entire team. Will they be able to trust and work with this person? Have team leads involved in each step of the interview process. Debrief regularly with everyone to hear their input and gauge their feelings. This will help accelerate finding someone who meshes well within the organization, and it will add to the established culture. - Justin Beck, PerBlue

Show You're in It for the Long Haul

Rome was not built in a day, nor is an executive spot earned in a week. If a potential hire is intent on becoming an executive quickly, he is not taking your company seriously. The best employees know the value of proving themselves over a period of extended time, and are willing to do so. Tell the new hire that the option is off the table until he proves himself worthy of an executive spot. - Ken Sundheim, KAS Placement


Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk

At the end of the day it's all about the RESULTS. CEOs and business owners despise when an employee with no results and lackluster performance asks for a raise. So create a plan, set performance deadlines for yourself, share it with the CEO, and ask him if you meet these goals, revenue numbers, or company metrics if he'd be open to a step up. - Chris Brisson, Call Loop & Automize

Always Think About the Next Play

The best executives are able to grasp the larger, more abstract state of the business. They are always looking to connect the dots of today's business with tomorrow's business. To stand out as an employee, aim to 1) better understand how what is being done today influences tomorrow, 2) the overall direction of the business and 3) the overall direction of the market you're currently in. - Kent Healy, The Uncommon Life

Learn to Sell

Seth Godin said it best: One of the most important things anyone working for a startup should master is the art of selling. If you can sell — and sell well — bringing new clients and building long-lasting client relationships for your company, you'll establish yourself as an invaluable asset. - Matt Cheuvront, Proof Branding

Two Small Words

Create value.

Execute Solutions

While it's important to see potential problems and identify solutions, someone who is adept at executing a solution will stand out as someone who knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to get it done. It may seem more "managerial" to oversee others who are problem-solving, but in times of crisis, the executive team needs to see solutions through to the end. - Kelly Azevedo, She's Got Systems

Always Be 10 Steps Ahead of Your Boss

In a startup, I need every employee to be ten steps ahead of me in whatever their focus is. If they consistently and impressively are, they become indispensable. If they're not, then they can't cut it. - Derek Flanzraich, Greatist

image: entrepreneur

Overcome Obstacles

Executives at startups will run into a lot of roadblocks that could potentially derail projects. The best, however, find a way to overcome these either by anticipating what could go awry and planning ahead, or by being resourceful and finding a Plan B. Demonstrate you can overcome all types of obstacles, and you can earn an executive spot. - Bhavin Parikh, Magoosh Test Prep

Demonstrate Your Ability to Sacrifice

Every member of our executive team has made a sacrifice in one form or another. Whether it has been taking a lesser salary, putting one's own cash into the company, sharing an office or doing tasks that are "beneath" them. To earn an executive spot on our team, you must be able to point to instances where you have put the team in front of yourself. - Adam Stillman, Ditto Holdings

Do Your Boss's Job

In most startups, the founders and senior members have a DIY mindset and get their hands dirty in smaller tasks. So if you can take these tasks and responsibilities off their hands (so that they can move on to the next thing), this is a definite precursor for being entrusted with more senior responsibilities. - Adii Pienaar, WooThemes


Come in early and stay late, and not just when the boss is in town. Keep your head down in the beginning, and over-deliver. Have respect for authority, and support all who surround you. Don’t be discouraged if it isn’t noticed in the first six months; it eventually will be. Don’t have the discipline to achieve the above? Well, you probably won’t move up. - Ziver Birg, ZIVELO

Earn Your Seat at the Table

Startups are not a place for titles or entitlement. I have been everything from sales guy, janitor, network admin, designer, etc. If you want to be part of the executive conversation, you will naturally be included when you provide so much additional value everyone will want you at the table. Earn your seat and increase your chances by focusing on strategic initiatives that executives care about. - Trevor Sumner, LocalVox


If you want to move up in the company, the fastest way is to find a way to either automate or document your position to the point where you are no longer needed in that job. It’s extremely motivating and easy for me, as an executive, to promote you to a new position. - Benji Rabhan, MorrisCore

Recognize Work Without Being Asked

A good employee does the work he's told to do. A great employee recognizes what needs to be done and does it before he's told (maybe even before he's hired). Ryan Graves desperately wanted to work at Foursquare, so he went around Chicago and signed bars and restaurants up with Foursquare mayor specials. Ryan did the work before he sent his resume in and secured the coveted internship. - Clay Hebert, Spindows

Align Yourself With Company Goals

Aim to understand the short- and long-term goals for the business and align your values with those goals. The fastest way to get recognized is to contribute to the company’s present goals, as well as its long-term vision. - John Berkowitz, Yodle

Hope this information find you a better ideas and personality in your daily life as a startup employee!

Author: YEC


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